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Civilians investigating their own fender-benders?

Posted by James B. Guest, Esq | Sep 14, 2017 | 0 Comments

That might be possible after a proposed contract that was approved for negotiations by city officials.

"City officials awarded contract rights Tuesday (Sept. 12) to a New Orleans-based firm for "civilian traffic accident investigation and support" services, a move aimed at freeing up time for New Orleans Police Department officers to pursue non-traffic work. The proposal calls for a contractor to "provide support in collecting information on non-injury, non-DWI accidents" in New Orleans and punt that information over to the police department, according to a request for proposals issued by the city.

Duties outlined in that request for proposals include:

  • Collecting facts and data after being dispatched to the scene of a crash
  • Handing those facts and data to NOPD supervisors, who will then determine fault and potential citations
  • Maintaining records of crash responses that the police department and the city can tap into free of charge
  • Providing data to "other interested parties" - like insurance companies - per a "fee schedule" annually approved by the city, in accordance with state and local laws
  • Furnishing equipment for investigations, including uniforms and vehicles "equipped with emergency lighting that distinguishes them as different from NOPD/NOFD/EMS personnel"
See the full article on HERE

About the Author

James B. Guest, Esq

James B. Guest founded his law firm in 1984, and has served the Greater New Orleans area and the surrounding parishes for more than 40 years. Mr. Guest handles civil trials in state and federal courts. His practice concentrates mostly on automobile accidents and personal injury cases. Mr. Guest ...


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