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Distracted Driving On the Rise

Posted by James B. Guest, Esq | Apr 20, 2017 | 0 Comments

According to a recent article on, more than half of car crashed are due to phone usage.

"Scientists at Massachusetts-based software company Cambridge Mobile Telematics based their research on drives that occurred while using CMT's apps, looking at 1,000 verified real-world crashes, "tens of thousands" of near crashes, and "billions of miles" of driving with CMT's apps. They found that phone-related distraction occurred during 52 percent of the trips that ended in a crash."

"Research also shows people who use their phone the most while driving are six times more likely to crash than the least distracted drivers. The findings come after the National Safety Council found that fatalities on U.S. roads increased by 14 percent since 2015, which would be the largest two-year increase in five decades."

Read the full article on HERE

And in other great news, tech company Life 360, ranked New Orleans number 1 city for phone use while driving earlier this year. So the odds are stacked against you. If you have been injured due to a distracted driver, please contact our firm immediately - 504.466.8266.

About the Author

James B. Guest, Esq

James B. Guest founded his law firm in 1984, and has served the Greater New Orleans area and the surrounding parishes for more than 40 years. Mr. Guest handles civil trials in state and federal courts. His practice concentrates mostly on automobile accidents and personal injury cases. Mr. Guest ...


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